Thursday 7 March 2013

5/6K's Persuasive Week

On the 5th of March 5/6K started their free choice persuasive texts. We have chosen this because we really enjoy experimenting with these type of texts.We all enjoy exploring persuasive and hope that you will enjoy our persuasive texts, we will be blogging about the finished persuasive texts next post and they will be awesome.

Some people have produced some fantastic writing. I love doing persuasive texts and also they are very interesting to write about because you are trying to convince someone to think about something in a different manner in which they first thought.

Persuasive texts are one of my favourite texts to do because, you get to speak your mind and sometimes its good to speak your mind. For example, if you are trying to persuade that footy is better than cricket (which it is) then you need to know how to write a persuasive text and use it well.

Someone like me, I could persuade you that footy is better than soccer like that. Its easier to write about something that your passionate about than something that you know nothing about like I would write about Minecraft (Kobe) than write about something I don't know anything about like soccer.

Do you like writing persuasive texts?

If you had to choose between persuasive texts and procedural texts what would it be?

Sincerly Kobe and Brayden

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Comments.
    If I had to write a persuasive text I would write about why I think being a nurse has changed me and I would hope to see young people choose nursing as their career.

