Friday 26 April 2013

Anzac day

Anzac day is a day for remembering the soilders that fought in the war and also fought for our rights and country. Anzac is not just for remembering Australian soldiers it is also a remembering of New Zealand soldiers who helped us during the wars. It is polite to wear a special flower known as the poppy to show commitment to our soldiers.

A Australian
N New
Z Zealand
A Army
C Corp

Here is a story about a boy called William who joined the army at 16, leaving his mother and grandfather at a farm. William joined the army becuase he wanted to show respect to his family and save his country. He travelled to Egypt to complete complex training in the heat. Some people passed away during the heated conditions. The rest of the soldiers travelled to Europe to fight with his fellow teamates. On the way he wrote letters to his family to inform them that he was still alive. After four years of hard fought war, the guns went silent and the war ended. The final letter that William wrote was to his grandfather about how hard the war was and how proud he was of himself.

We must respect the soliders that fought for our country so on Anzac day we must pay our respect by having a minute of silence.

Alex and Liam

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Awsome word wall!!!

Hey I've got a question? Do you have a word wall? If you don't how do you get your fantastic words  from  your class room we have the most interesting word wall. The reason why you should have a word wall: it is to make your writing more spectacular to read. Don't you agree with me?

Plus some of the words on it go in your brain and gives you a idea what to right about. The more useful words that pop in your brain the better your writing gets. The most horrible words that will not fit on the word wall is good, big, happy, bad, sad and play.            
Why wouldn't you have a word wall. If you do a word wall you will see how much awesome and remarkable your writing will be and from that one word that is on your head the easier it will get for you to write. Also it can help you by read because some words that are on the word wall are in some of the books you read.

This might sound funny but it can help you when you are some where where lot of use words on the top of the roof on titles of chapter book or even picture books. So the more words you find the more easier it is for you to write. These are the top 7 best words: awesome, remarkable, outstanding, energetic, outrageous, psychedelic and fabulous.  

JP and Tyson